Steam Games - Best Thing That Ever Happened

Steam is a distribution platform digital video game created by Valve to distribute their own games is available in 21 different languages. Inaugurated on 12 September 2003, in the first months of life just distributed the own Valve games. With the passage of time began to distribute games from other companies, and it has become the digital distributor of greater importance [citation]. Although there are no data checked in this respect, it is thought that the vast majority of the digital business, is currently under the control of Steam. Increased competition from Steam is Origin of EA and far behind Microsoft's Games For Windows Live. Steam is supported to be 100% functional under Windows also is under Mac_OS with a catalog specific games and partially on PS3, after several years of rumors, the closed to Steam Linux beta was released in October 2012 and December for anyone who would like to try it.
Digital games: You can play any game that we keep in our catalog or library of games from Steam. In the games that we have also we will attend a forum of steam from the game (in English) and the possibility to download your guide or manual of the same (if available). (It is possible that also keep the games that you have non steam to have them all centralized and United; this games---> to activate a game which is not steam to the library...)

Free digital content/games: Steam currently has a variety of free games/content for all those who have a Steam account to see the list, go to the section on free games/content that you will find below.

Steam community: each user will have a personal page where you can find our friends, our games, our main wall and our achievements.

Achievements: Although it is a option within the Steam community of each one, in the also saved us our list of personal accomplishments of each game, being able to compare them with those of our friends as global.

Friends list can add friends simply looking for it through your email, your id on steam, or using the list of players in games recent, in this list show us information about your status on Steam and that plays at present, and we can connect to your game quickly, while we can chat in real time both in writing as voice. Now you can also link your facebook account to find your friends more quickly. (To add to a friend we must necessarily have a game at least linked to our Steam account).

Steam-ingame menu: Steam when loading the games, we will be able to access your service by pressing the key combination (SHIFT + TAB) in the find news/news of the game in question as well as friends who are playing and our information such as accomplishments or hours played the game in question, steam also has its own browser if you want to surf the internetwithout leaving the game, also will leave us our friends list menu.

Voice Chat: The ability to chat with your friends while you play.
Groups: In addition to the list of our friends we can unite different groups to participate and send news (through the creation of events) to the entire group quickly.

Events: Allows you to create events (through the groups to which we belong) to inform our friends of Meetup or news of interest.

Grabber: you can capture screenshots of our games in real time (F12) to then share them on Twitter, Facebook, or Reddit, taking up to 1 free gigabytes per user. There is also the possibility to mark them as private to only be seen by you.

Videos: You can upload videos to our steam account simply by linking our Youtube account, where we can put incredible insightful critical scenes, tutorials useful and other wonders created by ti videojueguiles.

Exchange of objects: currently only supported by Team Fortress 2 or Portal 2 can Exchange objects for others among our friends.

Steam WokShop: Referred only to games that allow exchange of objects, is a space where you can upload personal creations of objects, where the community will vote on it and if it gets in the game, you can win up to benefits for every purchase of the item.

Back-up copies: Steam games are able to make a backup copy of the same to avoid that you have to download in the future.

Free updates: Steam will automatically update your games without that yourself you have to do, to keep you abreast with updates.

Sale of dlc: Steam also has the possibility of purchasing the dlc coming in games from steam within the same game that is steamworks.

Steamoffline: Steam has an offline mode where we will keep playing our games, without being connected to the Internet.

Graphics card updates: Steam for ease of users from (file--> check the video card updates) can keep us rapidly updated if a game requires it.

SteamGuard: Is the safety of steam where every important and relevant change in our account (such as billing information or change of pass) will come accompanied by a security code mismamente steam sent to your email account, as on every pc we use steam to act the same way indicating that we are using steam from a new pc.

Participations to betas: If you are interested in participating in betas, steam and the different developers steam games from (file--> parameters---> account) we can see that is active at that moment.
Steam Cloud: This stores different information (such as our configuration, our saved games, etc...) to make it consistent from any computer to which we connect.

Recommendations: We recommend games, for the rest of our friends list.

Gifts: Steam also has the possibility of giving away games, this has to be selected when buying the game choosing is a gift, we can send it by selecting a friend from our list, or an email address where you send him the gift.

Bug reports: in the event of a bug, failure or error in the case of valve games or the steamworks, can send errors as well as catches them to help solve them.

VAC Valve: Is the code anti-circumvention of Valve that prevents use traps (the famous cheats) programs, if VAC can detect a user using cheats, this vein that juego(excepto los juegos que usen GoldScr, y los que usen Source lanzados antes de 2008, que son baneados conjuntamente) the user permanently without any possibility to servers protected by VAC. However, the user can continue connecting to non-protected servers.

Developer tools: Steam also gives us tools available as Source SDK (to design and modify games and maps) and programs to create dedicated servers.
Advance access is a new service created by Valve on 20/03/13, is the possibility to buy a game and access to the beta until it goes on sale officially.