Players take control of Raiden, protagonist of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and secondary character of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. As in previous titles, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is a stealth action game, and the creative producer Shingenobu Matsuyama indicates that the game mode will focus on two key elements: the attack with swords, and a style of stealth which is more based on the inclusion on the battlefield and focused more on action than the previous installments of the game and a new weapon the sword.
A key element of the game mode is called zan-datsu (in Japanese, literally "cut and take"), which involves 'cut' enemies and "take" parts of the dismembered bodies of cyborgs and robots. Items that can be acquired include life, energy, parts, ammunition, equipment and, occasionally, information. For example, in the presented at the 2010 E3 trailer, Raiden holds a battery - in the form of a luminescent - part of a cyborg dismembered enemy mechanical spine; which destroy after absorbing his energy and heal itself.
The "cut" involves a sophisticated game with sword which allows players entering the melee combat third-person, as well as also through enemies and objects in a precise way "discretion" along a plane geometry using the mode "free slicing" (sliced free). Virtually almost any object in the game can be cut, including vehicles and enemies, however, certain elements of the environment were intentionally limited to facilitate the game, as bases of structures such as pillars and walls.
'Free slicing' mode is similar to any other mode of goals in previous installments of Metal Gear Solid, but produces a grid of special purpose in the form of a translucent blue plane which can be rotated and moved, drawing orange lines through objects or surfaces to indicate exactly where they will be cut; It can also be used in the State 'bullet time', giving players the opportunity to pass through targets with precision during moments of action, such as slicing a goal that is falling from multiple angles until it hit the ground.
You are features can be used strategically, for example, to disable opponents, look for weak points in armor, damaged support columns to make collapsing ceilings or walls on the enemies, repel or deflect fire enemy, or cut through objects to remove the enemy cover. This is particularly important in the showdown against cyborgs and robots, to cut through different parts of their bodies will allow to take different mechanical parts thereof. Although the main weapon of Raiden will be his sword of high frequency, it will also have "secondary weapons", revealed Kimura; images of the game show briefly to Raiden wielding a dagger in his left hand.
Stealth game elements highlighting the considerable speed and agility of Raiden in the Matsuyama describes as "poaching." "Rogue waiting"-Unlike the previous titles, in which the players were kept hidden and avoided combat, players in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, on the other hand, will quickly jump to their enemies and use aerobatic maneuvers to be outside the field of vision as they approach. That is linked to the the zan-datsu feature of the game, allowing players stalk enemies for weapons, equipment and energy.
Director Mineshi Kimura made it clear that Rising could continue with the tradition of the series to motivate the players to progress the game without murder, pointing out that there is a difference of moral between attacking cyborgs or robots and attacking human beings, and that there is a "certain virtue simply disable enemies rather than killing them." With so this game on the hot spot, it is with much possibility that the number of player who cannot afford will be looking for a Metal Gear Rising Crack edition of the game.
Meanwhile, it was considered important to give players the freedom to do what they want, Matsuyama said that players not may never be rewarded for killing opponents human and that the game was designed in such a way that players are never required to do so.